Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Poop Summer.

After reading my moms blog about summertime, I began to feel depressed/annoyed. This summer DOES NOT feel like summer to me at all. Summer to me is the beach, the smell of sun tan lotion, bbqs, new bathing suits, staying out late, spa nights, pool days, and all the other stuff mom said. This summer I've had none of that so far.
No one here has a pool. Well, one couple has an INDOOR pool, which in my opinion is completely pointless unless you're a professional swimmer. There's a community pool that's actually supposed to be pretty nice, but I feel weird going there by myself. I'm also not a big fan of getting in community pools, which may sound snobby but I always look at all the greasy kids in there who are most definitely peeing, if not something much more disturbing. However I'm sure I'd easily deal with that if I had someone to go with, but all my friends have these crazy things called "jobs" (that I really can't wait to get back to by the way) that don't allow them to escape to pools every other day. I would consider laying out in my backyard if we had one. But sadly, instead of grass we have a giant pile of dirt, and a few weeds that look like the perfect hiding spot for a snake to pop out of and traumatize me for life. And there's so many weird bugs here flying all over the place that I wouldn't do that after May anyway. Oh, it's also been around 98 degrees every day, with scattered weird storm clouds occasionally popping up... not exactly "lay out with an iced tea and a book" kind of weather. Unless of course I want to use the book to sheild myself from the scorching sun and the iced tea as a pool of death for flies and any other weird flying bugs. God forbid I leave windows open as I would like to do in the evenings when it cools down, because thats when the breeze picks up and with that comes a cloud of dirt flying into my house. Oh, and we've blown the rest of our money this month in Denver, so we have no money for anything either. On the bright side at least we got to go to Denver in the first place... one brief ray of sunshine in an otherwise poopy summer.
Sorry to complain, and I'm sure I'll break out of this horrid mood after awhile, but I just felt like ranting. I know my life isn't that bad and I should probably just focus on the positives and quit whining, but I'm not in the mood for that right now. Sometimes it's necessary to whine. Poor Mike hears my rants enough, and I can't talk to anyone out here about it because I feel like a jerk since they've lived here their whole lives and don't realize the horridness of it. So you are the lucky ones who get to hear my rant. Wasn't it delightful?


  1. HAHA Sorry Mel but this was really quite amusing....I can't decide if I should tell you all the reasons you are right, or point out all the other ways to look at things...but you know both of my speaches I'm sure before I even open my lips, so I will spare you both...BUT!! (you know I can't control my tongue, or in this case my typing fingers) I was thinking as I was reading this and chuckling, your summers are going to be something VERY different then just the "California" summers you grew up with, aka, beach, pools, shopping etc. etc., because it isn't just that you don't live in California anymore, but that you live in the "country" on a "dairy farm"...your summers are going to be....lazy and slow with summer lightning storms, and rapidly growing corn playing hide and seek in the cotton seed, and yes lots of weird flying bugs and will eventually have your yard, and probably a screened porch for back yard bbq's..and no doubt a pool as well....and in the meantime, LOTS AND LOTS of trips to California....haha Plus, when you finally do build your house, it will most likely be on the farm, and not the dairy, and then you will be rid of both the dirt and the flys....OK, that's all I'll say...did I perk you up?? Love you!!!

  2. Waaaaaaaaah waaaaah waaaah. Baby.

  3. Mel, this was funny on many levels! I know you did not mean it to be, but it was. The best part was the natives not being aware of the horridness of their lives. MLOL

  4. You have a blog and you did'nt share this with me..shame on you :) Ha ha! How the New Mexico life?
