Friday, March 13, 2009

A Substitutes Rant

Not long ago I subbed for a first grade class and had an annoying conversation with the teacher I subbed for. Now, so far I've really liked all the teachers and especially the principal there, but this one I wanted to smack. Maybe I'm overreacting. You be the judge. I get there in the morning and she had quite detailed notes. I like this. I hate going in with vague weird notes that you have to basically guess what they want done, and you end up asking the kids "well is this how you normally do it?" which is always a mistake because it results in 28 kids yelling different things. Which results in me snapping "well I'm not Mrs Manes so we're gonna do it this way today!" This probably has them (and me) wondering why I asked in the first place. I like notes that explain exactly what they want you to do, including helpful hints, things she does to get them to behave better, warnings of things they'll probably try to say, etc. This way I'm more prepared and can better instruct a class full of kids who are pushing me as far as they can push. Anyway, this teacher has detailed notes, and I'm happy. All morning, everything went well. Kids did what they were supposed to do, little to no problems, getting things done. They come back after lunch, and they're crazy. Really crazy. Like the teachers, "you better be good for the sub or else" warning had officially worn off. They were loud, disrespectful, and rude. Now, before you give me the whole "well that's just how kids are for subs" speech, let me say, it isn't. They will do what you let them get away with. I don't let them get away with much, and I rarely have big problems. By the end of the afternoon I was tired, frazzled, and annoyed. I always write a little note about how they did for the teacher. I explain any problems, tell her who was absent or late, and let her know if she should be proud of them. Most teachers offer their kids a little treat if they get a good note back. This teacher, Mrs Manes, had informed me that they were to get popcorn during their movie if they got a good note, but only if they deserved it. They did not deserve the popcorn. I let the teacher know this. I told her that while her students were lively and intelligent, I could tell they did not behave as well as they normally did. The next day, I come back to the same school (and had a wonder class) and I run into Mrs Manes in the hall after dropping my kids off for lunch. We say hello. I tell her I was her sub yesterday. She doesn't say anything and I notice she is giving me a bit of an attitude. Nothing major.. a clipped smile, not that into small talk, etc. I figure she's probably just having a bad day. I decide to say, "I just wanted to let you know, you really have a great group of kids. Very bright. But I just had the hardest time getting them to pay attention to the lessons!"
She gives me a look of ice. I kid you not, a look of ice. Then, in a clipped tone, she says, "Well, I'm one of the loudest teachers at the school, so yeah, they probably learned that from me."
Um, NO. I'm immediately annoyed. As if I cannot tell the difference between enthusiasm/loudness and being rude/distracting. I wait a minute, thinking she might go on and say that she had a talk with them, or that she understood, or anything that would ease the tension that had built up as a result of her snappy line. I could just tell it would do no good to argue that, no, they weren't just being loud and enthusiastic, they were being brats. So I just sort of changed the subject, asking her about the lunch pick up process. When I am a regular teacher, if I have a sub that even bothers to write a lengthy, thoughtful note back to me, I will be grateful. Most subs do the minimum of what's required, snap at the kids all day, and leave without so much as a "your kids suck". I, on the other hand, follow notes exactly, try to get the kids to have a good time, and write a long note back explaining how they did, what I had trouble with, and often include a funny little story about something a kid said. Hello? I'm obviously a wonder sub, and the idea that this annoying lady thought I was being too harsh was enough to make me want to give her a good smack on her pointed face. So how's that?


  1. Sorry Mel, but I found this very funny...I know it was irro, but...I personally think this is very obvious. She took the fact the "her" kids did not behave as a personal slap in the it was somehow an attack on her teaching abilities...that somehow the "sub" was definitely not up to snuff or she would have had the kids in any teacher on any given day might have a bad day with the kids...what an idiot....self esteem problems no doubt...just hope you don't get her class again...haha On a much smaller scale I remember all to well working at Upland Christian (as a mere dorky aide as I am sure the kids, and probably the teachers all thought as well) and the teachers who TOTALLY supported ME if I took the trouble to talk to them about one of their students misbehaving. Usually I had no problem with any of the kids, but we had an occasional bad day, or naughty kid....Anyway, MOST of them totally backed me up and told the kid flat out, "If you are in trouble with Mrs. Class, you are in trouble with me." and of course kids need to know that. But I do remember a couple of them, who sniffed and said things like, "Well, I find that hard to believe... Ok, well thanks for the info." of course I knew full well NOTHING would was beyond annoying...I actually had the principle do that once when I sent two boys to the office for full on fighting on the playground, I'm talking slugging and on the ground....and they came back out 5 min. and the principle tells me, "Your new, and these boys are best friends and they were just playing." I was I was sooo stupid I couldn't tell the difference between boys horsing around and really fighting....I flipped out and told him exacy what I thought to include I didn't know if I could work there if that was the support I was going to get. My boss calmed me down and convinced me it would all come out later and as I recall he (the principle) was gone 3 weeks later. For a totally different reason of course, but I was sooo glad. Bottom line....irritating and stupid on the part of the teacher...she did her kids no favors, but people NEVER get you...

  2. I think it's true that she took it as a personal attack on herself, but that's stupid. First of all, I said many good things about them. I also began the note by thanking her for her detailed notes. Trust me it was a VERY nice note! It just informed her, nicely I might add, that they gave me a hard time. As you said, obviously a self esteem issue.

  3. Sounds like that other teacher is just an idiot. World's full of 'em. And Hobbs has a good sized share of the total.

  4. What a dork she is! Your mom is right, total insecurity on her part. A normal person would welcome input on her class and use it to her own advantage and to help "teach" her students the right way to behave with a sub in the future. There are just some simpletons in this world who think everything is always about them.
